Octopus FIP launches off coast of Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula
Octopus FIP launches off coast of Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula
By Undercurrent News
The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) on Thursday announced the beginning of a new industry led fishery improvement project (FIP) for octopus caught off the coast of Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula using drift rods and lines.
The FIP is supported by Netuno USA, Empacadora Promarmex, Orca Seafoods, LP Foods, Comercializadora Healthy Fish and MASPESCA, many of which were represented at the Seafood Expo North America, in Boston, Massachusetts, in March, at a ceremony to sign a memorandum of understanding. The companies pledged then to get the fishery ready for certification by the Marine Stewardship Council within a couple of years.
SFP said the fishery has four goals…